Manufacturing industry

Construction expert in the manufacturing industry

We specialize in the manufacturing industry with over 100 years of experience, implementing solutions tailored to the unique features of our customers' business processes.

We are a specialist in the construction of the manufacturing industry, which implements solutions taking into account the customer's production process. We understand the requirements set by the production environment and always strive to minimize disruptions to ongoing production. Our commitment is to consistently find innovative ways to accelerate construction timelines while offering our clients more cost-efficient and sustainable solutions.

We are a partner from the beginning of the project to the start of the customer's production and, if necessary, we also take care of the maintenance of the property during its life cycle. With the help of YIT's smart technological solutions, energy efficiency and the operating environment and conditions of the processes are optimized. Our versatile expertise consists of strong project management expertise and local knowledge combined with demanding technical expertise.

In projects, we emphasize close cooperation between the various parties already in the planning and development stages, because according to our experience, it creates the best conditions for achieving schedule and cost goals. To ensure success together, we utilize our versatile network of partners in the different phases of the project. We have more than a hundred years of experience in building various industrial and production plants, from process industry to logistics facilities.


Contact information

Janne Salmenoja
Industrial construction