  • Topical
  • Customer story
  • 1/17/2022

Pioneers of sustainable development and responsibility in Esplanadi and Keilaniemi

Case: Honkacapital

Jukka and Marja Honkaniemi from Honkacapital in the café of Workery+ Esplanadi 


Established a couple of years ago, Honkacapital’s operations consist of consultancy and advisory services for sustainable financing and development, as well as startup business development and investment activities. The mission of the family business is to innovate and develop business opportunities related to responsibility, sustainable development and green financing, while supporting the green transition of companies and financial operators. 

Initially, Honkacapital was an Access customer at Workery+ Esplanadi, which also served as the new company’s central base for customer meetings. Potential customers and important stakeholders were located within walking distance of Esplanadi. Then, however, came COVID and Honkacapital's Jukka Honkaniemi followed closely as students and young people lost their summer jobs due to cancellations. Honkacapital decided to offer four students a summer job. The company was able to find suitable facilities for their new team of five people in Workery+ Keilaniemi. 

The flexibility of Workery+ has been perfect for the company. “As an entrepreneur, I’ve worked alone, in a team of five people and now in a team of three. The flexibility of Workery+ has made it easy to work in different configurations,” says Jukka. At the moment, Honkacapital has a two-person office in Esplanadi, which is used for hybrid work by their team of three who see each other 2–3 days a week. 

The atmosphere and location of Esplanadi are important for Jukka and Marja Honkaniemi. “People at Workery+ get to know each other and it’s nice to always have someone here to take care of your comfort. It is important for a micro-entrepreneur to not just be at home alone. Afterwork events and breakfasts are nice little gatherings. You can also have interesting discussions with other entrepreneurs,” Marja and Jukka explain, chatting about their experiences in Esplanadi. 

Got interested about our Workspaces? Contact us!

Nora Lallukka
Sales Manager, Workery+
Aatu Luoto
Sales Manager, Workery+