  • Workery+
  • Topical
  • 3/30/2021

Safely back to the office – Air purifiers at Workery+ eliminate viruses from indoor air

Can office premises remain free of harmful bacteria and viruses? A lot rides on our actions, but also technology can be harnessed to fight viruses. At Workery+, air purification is top-notch.

In early March, Helsingin Sanomat newspaper published an article (only in Finnish) illustrating with scientific experiments and modelling how viruses spread indoors. The article describes how aerosols, or microscopic droplets, fly in the air when people talk, cough or breathe. The more time passes, the more aerosols are transmitted to the room.

There are different opportunities for decreasing infection risks. In addition to social distancing and masks, improving ventilation by either airing the premises sufficiently often or increasing the efficiency of mechanical ventilation decreases the risk. Ventilation removes air with a high particle content relatively well and replaces it with pure air. The situation can be further improved with mechanical air purification solutions when separate airing is not necessary: the solutions both purify and mix the air, thus diluting the aerosol content.

New Workery+ business premises have introduced strict measures to prevent harmful viruses, and air purification solutions play a key role in that. Genano’s innovative air purification systems are used in the premises because, according to VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, they eliminate 99.999 per cent of the bacteria and viruses in indoor air.

“The Workery+ concept started out with the development of security and safety. The healthiness and safety of premises must be guaranteed so that businesses can consider returning to the office. For example, the Genano air purification solution is currently used by some hospitals. We have equipped the Workery+ premises, including conference rooms and open office space, with these efficient purifiers,” says VP Anders Stenbäck from YIT’S services and product development unit.

Genano air purification solutions technology
Genano air purification solutions technology

Hygiene and ergonomics at a high level 

New health-promoting solutions at Workery+ are not limited to only indoor air. In spatial planning, health and safety concerns have been taken into account with adequate space, ergonomic furniture and hand sanitation points, among other things. A high level of hygiene is also maintained with touchless and automatic taps, handles and light switches.

“All lights and taps are used with motion detectors. In addition, work stations, chairs and surfaces as well as partitions have been treated with an antimicrobial surface treatment, as have conference rooms and other places in which people sit or spend time,” says Stenbäck.

Everyone who has worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic surely knows that ergonomics and work postures at home are not always the best possible. Workery+ takes ergonomics seriously: every Workery+ member can use an adjustable electric desk and select between a saddle stool and a chair with arm and back rests.

Returning to the office safely 

Even though remote work has its advantages, many are anxious to return to the office environment where the surroundings are often more optimal for efficient and fruitful interaction than at home.

“During COVID-19, many companies have noticed that if we never see each other, finding new ideas and inspiration becomes difficult. We do our best to provide premises where businesses can work together safely, creating something new,” Stenbäck guarantees. 

Only future will show how work will transform ultimately – what will be the role of the office in the future, how will we prepare for possible future pandemics, will we continue to work partly remotely and what kinds of new spatial alternatives employees need. These are the questions that have influenced in the background also when developing the Workery+ concept.

The first Workery+ will open in late Spring 2021 in Helsinki’s Vallila, at Sturenkatu 16.

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Nora Lallukka
Sales Manager, Workery+
Aatu Luoto
Sales Manager, Workery+