  • Topical
  • 9/18/2022

Workery+ Keilaniemi's new Community Manager

Quality customer service and versatile tasks that keep you busy but happy. These are the building blocks of work for Kati, the Community Manager of Workery+ Keilaniemi.

“Every day is different. The workday is full of diverse tasks that can be spotted basically everywhere. But the brightest light of my job are definitely our members”, says Kati. According to her, the most special aspect of Workery+ is definitely the community and the good team spirit.

“Workery+ is not just a cold office, but an office community with all the services the members need. The concept is also well advanced and flexible, so the members can choose freely whatever they feel is needed for their everyday worklife”, says Kati. And let's not forget the fun!

"We also organize member events like breakfasts and after works. See you there soon", Kati mentions.