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The Red Dot Award is one of the most famous and biggest brand and design competitions in the world.
The Lentola regional brand, created in collaboration between YIT and Berry Creative, has been awarded the “Brand design” category of the Red Dot Awards.
The Red Dot Award is one of the most famous and biggest brand and design competitions in the world.
The organisation itself describes the award as a seal of quality for design.
In addition to Red Dot, Lentola's regional brand has won this year’s silver award in the Transform Award Nordics’ Best Place or National Brand category.
Lentola is a residential area under construction in Aviapolis, Vantaa, within walking distance from the Jumbo shopping centre. To date, YIT has built 8 apartment blocks and two separate parking halls in the area. 3 more apartment blocks are currently under construction.
When completed in 2035, Lentola will have about 3,000 apartments, two daycare centres, a park, five parking garages, and a comprehensive school named “Atomi”. With peaceful courtyards, Lentola will offer its residents an easy life and fun everyday living.
The whole Aviapolis area, on the other hand, will become a pedestrian quarter of 25,000 residents and 60,000 jobs in the next few years.
“Lentola is a diverse residential area that interests and caters to different age groups. The area needed its own brand because in people’s minds, Aviapolis is strongly associated with offices, not housing. With the help of the regional brand, we wanted to promote Lentola as a cosy and desirable residential area”, says Heikki K. Hannukkala, YIT’s Vice President.
“Lentola's compact urban living, good transport connections, proximity to commercial services, communal housing, cosy courtyards and shared spaces are summarised in the regional brand in one sentence – Lentola. You don't have to wait for the good stuff. It's in the air”, says Timo Berry, the CEO of Berry Creative.
As part of the regional branding, YIT and Berry Creative have carried out several good-natured deeds in Lentola, the aim of which has been to promote the sense of community in Lentola and to bring good mood and make everyday life smooth for the current residents of Lentola. Examples of these are the urban tourist destinations Miniapolis, the butterfly walking train and the flower meadow and a frisbee golf course.
“We are happy about the awards received by the Lentola regional brand, but we really feel successful when home seekers can, and above all want to, write the word “Lentola” on a housing search engine in search of easy life and fun everyday living in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area”, Hannukkala and Berry describe. “We also believe that we are already close to reaching the goal.”