Industrial Construction Completed Ahead of Schedule and Under Budget – get to know the story of Prysmian Sky Project
In our projects, our aim is to continuously investigate alternative material and production solutions and their environmental impacts.
We have started to build the first wooden apartment building of our history on Tieteenkatu street in Hervanta, Tampere.
As Oy Tampereen Tohtori will be built using modules. For a long time already, we have used bathroom, slab and wall elements, partly manufactured by us and partly acquired from external suppliers, in our production. However, Tohtori is our first residential project that will be entirely built of modules.
Timber-based module construction is closely linked with our strategy.
“In line with our strategy, we seek to enhance our operational productivity by reducing wastage and by shortening the turnaround time of our projects. Construction with modules and prefabricates is perfectly in line with these objectives. As part of our Green Growth development programme, we are also investigating our opportunities to reduce the CO2 emissions caused by our operations and products,” says Antti Inkilä, EVP at YIT.
YIT is building Tampereen Tohtori as a rental housing project for the OP-Vuokratuotto special fund.