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A well-chosen topic responds to current needs and develops the company's operations.
The commissioning of Master’s theses and graduation papers is part of YIT's development activities.
Thesis workers can deepen their skills and work in topical projects, thus combining the theory and practice of the work.
Sustainability has become one of the most extensively discussed topics around the world and at YIT in recent years. The trend is also reflected in thesis work.
“In recent years, sustainability has been a considerably more popular topic among our thesis workers than, for example, in 2018 or before. The common denominator for the theses is topicality. We are constantly looking for more information and answers to sustainability questions – including in the form of graduation papers,” says Mia Ranta-aho, Head of Sustainability at YIT.
Together, the student and YIT's specialists consider and decide on the topic of the theses.
“If the topics have been carefully considered, theses can transform and improve our operations, as we always aim to base our work on need,” says Ranta-aho. “Thesis work also takes up some of our resources, such as those of the instructor. For this reason, we always strive to ensure that the work promotes our sustainable development efforts. Sometimes, the benefits appear as increased knowledge. At other times, the topic continues to be discussed as a development project or, for example, as a new process.”
In the best case, the topic combines the thesis worker’s own personal interest, provides the company with solutions to a current theme and genuinely changes the company's sustainable development activities.
“At the moment, we are working on at least two different theses with exactly this kind of situation. In one of these, the thesis worker gets to join a development team gathered around the topic to create a process and an operating model based on the results of the thesis.”
Many students who complete their thesis at YIT end up being employed by the company or are already working at YIT when they start their thesis. This was the case for Tuuli Korjus* who worked at YIT as a Project Development Manager until mid-May 2021, and also Project Engineer Jyri Liukko and Finance Specialist Outi Vinter. Korjus finished her thesis in spring 2021. Liukko's thesis is expected to be completed by the summer, and Vinter's thesis is still in progress.
Korjus, who has worked in the Business Premises segment since 2017, participated in the Real Estate Economics Master's programme at Aalto University and wrote her thesis on the topic of international environmental targets affecting the property market.
Liukko completed his degree in the Geoengineering Master’s programme at Aalto University. In his thesis, Liukko analysed the carbon footprint of a rock engineering project.
Vinter, a student of sustainable development at Häme University of Applied Sciences, is working on a thesis for YIT on reporting in line with taxonomy and TCFD. Vinter has worked in YIT’s funding organisation since 2008.
Each of the above-mentioned thesis workers sees sustainability as a vital part of business operations.
“I want to be involved in promoting it and finding solutions for more environmentally friendly construction. I couldn’t work in a company that does not follow sustainability principles,” Vinter and Liukko say.
“I want to promote a better understanding of the activities related to environmental objectives and overall sustainability work,” says Korjus.
All three also hope that their work will be of use to YIT in the future.
“I think it’s great that YIT is involved in many projects aimed at combating climate change. I hope this will also continue in the future,” Vinter concludes.
*Tuuli Korjus has left YIT to seek new challenges! Good luck, Tuuli!
The application process for a position as a YIT thesis worker is always open in connection with our internship application. Learn more
Thesis: significant potential for enhancing soil material circular economy