
MotorCenters, Helsinki metropolitan area

YIT’s MotorCenter concept is focused on providing products and services for motorists as well as in the areas of technical specialty retail and active leisure.

MotorCenter is a motorist service centre that serves customers in recurring needs near their place of residence or along their daily commute. Customers are offered a wide range of services from government-mandated vehicle inspections to repairs and tyre changes. MotorCenters offer professional expertise and synergies to motorists as well as the companies that operate at the centres. Each company focuses on its core expertise and the division of responsibilities between companies is carefully considered.

There are seven MotorCenters in the Helsinki metropolitan area: The MotorCenter locations in Helsinki are Konala, Herttoniemi and Oulunkylä along Ring Road I. MotorCenter Espoonlahti and MotorCenter Suomenoja are located in Espoo, while MotorCenter Avia operates in Vantaa.

MotorCenter is a service concept developed by YIT. It is focused on providing products and services for motorists as well as in the areas of technical specialty retail and active leisure. One of the key advantages of the concept is the excellent location and traffic connections of the service centres.


Project status
Business segment
Business Premises