
PPP daycare centres, Porvoo

The daycare centres in Porvoo and their immediate environments have been designed to be accessible, stimulating and safe.

YIT implemented the Ylä-Haikkoo, Omenatarha and Jokilaakso daycare centres for the City of Porvoo using the PPP model. YIT was responsible for the daycare centres’ design, construction and energy solutions. Caverion Finland Ltd, which was spun off from YIT in a demerger carried out on July 1, 2013, is responsible for the properties’ maintenance services and energy consumption for a period of 20 years. 

The daycare centres in Porvoo and their immediate environments have been designed to be accessible, stimulating and safe. The premises for daycare groups are flexible and adaptable to serve diverse uses and potential changes in how the facilities are used in the future.

The energy consumption of the daycare centres approaches zero energy construction. In addition to energy efficiency, indoor air quality was a high priority in the design and construction of the daycare centres. An exceptionally low level of energy consumption was achieved by minimising the leakage of air in the buildings’ shells and making use of state-of-the-art technical building systems. Energy consumption is also substantially reduced by LED lighting, ventilation and heating systems that are controlled according to the use of the premises as well as the efficient recovery of heat in the ventilation system. Renewable energy in the form of geothermal heat and solar heat are used to heat the premises and water. 

The daycare centres are connected to Caverion’s property control room to ensure that the indoor conditions and energy consumption are monitored around the clock. 

The gross floor area of each of the daycare centres is approximately 1,600 square metres and they are designed for six groups of children, which would mean that each centre will be used by about 120 children. 

The daycare centres were completed in 2012–2013. 

Ylä-Haikkoo daycare centre: completed 7/2012 
Omenatarha daycare centre: completed 12/2012 
Jokilaakso daycare centre: completed 7/2013 

The PPP model ensures that the properties have a high level of usability and that the indoor conditions are in line with the underlying agreement, energy consumption is efficiently managed and the property is maintained in good condition throughout its life cycle. Planned and systematic maintenance and repair services keep the premises safe and healthy for their users.


Project status
Business segment
Business Premises