The desired outcome of the construction project is an efficient public transport system that supports urban development and helps achieve the objective of a denser urban structure. The light rail line will cover areas in which the public transport network is the most congested and it will also extend to the major new development areas of the city. In addition, the objective is to provide all user groups with a safe, easy and accessible mode of transport.

Tampereen Ratikka / Tampere tram
Tampereen Ratikka / Tampere tram

Among other things, we are responsible for the traffic arrangements required during the project and carry out foundation work and work related to sewerage, cabling, bridges, retaining walls, rail installation, pavement structures, sett paving, roundabouts, footpaths and 24 tram stops. For example, we constructed 20 retaining walls that were required due to the large differences in elevation along the route. In addition, we built 9 bridges, such as the 18-metre-high Koivusenoja bridge and the 250-metre-long Vacker bridge.

Furthermore, we are constructing a depot with a modular design in Hervanta. The depot will have a storage hall for 26 tram cars, a power supply station and a building housing maintenance, personnel and office functions. Modularity ensures that any future expansion of the premises can be carried out flexibly. Before the depot construction work was started, we quarried 250,000 m3 of rock, which we then used for the embankments on the lot. The remaining quarry material was crushed and will be used in our project.

The light rail line will be implemented using an alliance model, with the City of Tampere and Tampereen Raitiotie Oy as the customers and NRC Group Finland Oy, YIT Finland Ltd and Pöyry Finland Oy as the service providers. We are involved in both the development and implementation phase during the years 2015–2021 and the second phase during the years 2020-2024. In addition, we have concluded a contract for a maintenance alliance covering the years 2019–2029. In the first phase, which was completed in 2021, the light rail line was constructed eastwards from Pyynikintori to Hervantajärvi lake and Tampere University Hospital.

Smooth cooperation under the alliance model

In the alliance, cooperation with the representatives of the customer has been constructive, as the parties have a shared objective: to plan and build a unique and new mode of public transportation in Tampere. The representatives of the customer, together with the constructor and designers of the service producer, have participated in the removal of any obstacles for construction, so that work at the actual site is as smooth as possible. As a result, there are no adversarial relationships that are common in projects carried out under many other contract types, and it has been possible to focus on the planning of the actual work.

“The alliance model is excellent for a complex project with several interfaces. Unexpected and even difficult issues can be solved efficiently in the spirit of ‘what is best for the project’. As a service provider, YIT has exhibited outstanding alliance capability, and coexistence as alliance partners has been exemplary,” says Pekka Sirviö, CEO, Tampereen Raitiotie Oy.

Cost savings through innovations

The alliance model enabled many innovations that helped achieve significant cost savings. For example, the construction of earth banks at Vuohenoja helped avoid the cost of a plate pile system (EUR 2.5 million).

In addition, we considered the traffic arrangements required for the work and built the bridge structures based on the traffic requirements. The project included extremely difficult cable transfers close to busy street traffic. However, the construction work is proceeding as planned, on schedule and within the budget.

The project has invested in active and open communication. In addition to traditional communication regarding the work sites, residents have been involved, for example, in the decision-making concerning the colour of the tram cars.

Furthermore, various user groups have had the opportunity to comment on the plans in several events organised for the public. All communication channels of the light rail alliance, such as its website, social media and various events have been used for stakeholder communication.

railroad construction

the alliance model


Project name
Tampere Tramway
Tampereen Raitiotie Oy
Tampere, Finland
Project status
Business segment
